Hi, I'm a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Princeton University, advised by Prof. Michael Freedman in the SNS Research Group. I am primarily interested in improving the cost and efficiency of cloud computing, but I am also interested in compilers, operating systems, virtualization, and distributed systems. My research interests also extend to the intersection of systems and programming languages.I previously worked in the PLASMA Research Group at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, with Prof. Emery Berger, as well as the UConn Plant Computational Genomic Lab with Prof. Jill Wegrzyn.
- VectorVisor: A Binary Translation Scheme for Throughput-Oriented GPU Acceleration Samuel Ginzburg, Mohammad Shahrad, Michael J. Freedman
- Palette Load Balancing: Locality Hints for Serverless Functions Mania Abdi, Samuel Ginzburg, Charles Lin, José M Faleiro, Íñigo Goiri, Gohar Chaudhry, Ricardo Bianchini, Daniel S. Berger, Rodrigo Fonseca
- Serverless Isn’t Server-Less: Measuring and Exploiting Resource Variability on Cloud FaaS Platforms Samuel Ginzburg, Michael J. Freedman
- EnTAP: bringing faster and smarter functional annotation to non-model eukaryotic transcriptomes Alexander J. Hart, Samuel Ginzburg, Muyang (Sam) Xu, Cera R. Fisher, Nasim Rahmatpour, Jeffry B. Mitton, Robin Paul, Jill L. Wegrzyn
- Transcriptomic imprints of adaptation to fresh water: parallel evolution of osmoregulatory gene expression in the Alewife Jonathan P. Velotta, Jill L. Wegrzyn, Samuel Ginzburg, Lin Kang, Sergiusz Czesny, Rachel J. O'Neill, Stephen D. McCormick, Pawel Michalak, Eric T. Schultz
USENIX ATC '23, July 10th-12th, Boston, USA 2023
EuroSys '23, May 8th-12th, Rome, Italy 2023
Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC'20), December 7-11, 2020, Delft, Netherlands 2020
Molecular Ecology Resources 2019
Molecular Ecology 2017